Living Longer Living Better Podcast – Area Agencies on Aging
Building Community, Living Longer, Living Better, Area Agencies on Aging, The Conversation Podcast
November 10, 2021

In this episode, the Conversation is about the Living Longer/Living Better Guide for Area Agencies on Aging. We break from our regular format of host Cathy Wray leading the conversation to that of our guest moderator Doctor JoAnn Burke. She brings together Kristen LaEace, CEO of the Indiana Association of Area on Agencies and Dr. Katie Ehlman, professor of Gerontology Health Services Program for the University of Southern Indiana to share their experience with using the guide and discusses how their organizations are working together to make a difference. This is the fourth in a four-part series.
Podcast Guests
- Kristen LaEace
Indiana Association of Area Agencies on Aging - Dr. Katie Ehlman
Professor of Gerontology Health Services Program for the University of Southern Indiana
Guests this episode