Living Longer Living Better – Guide for Senior Centers
Building Community, Living Longer, Living Better, Senior Centers, The Conversation Podcast
September 9, 2021

In this episode, the Conversation is about the Living Longer/Living Better Guide to encourage local communities and healthcare providers to develop more age and dementia friendly initiatives as Indiana implements public policies that will move older adults away from institutional care and into the home and community based care.
We break from our regular format of host Cathy Wray leading the conversation to that of our guest moderator Doctor JoAnn Burke. She brings together guests from Senior Centers and Area Agencies on Aging to share their experience with using the guide and discusses how their organizations are working together to make a difference.
- Sue Lamborn
Thrive Alliance - Dan Mustard
Mill Race Center - Julie Miller
IU Health Tipton Hospital - Steve Gwin
Area Five Agency on Aging
Guests this episode