Tobacco and Nicotine Use During COVID-19
COVID, Smoking Cessation, The Conversation Podcast
April 29, 2021

In this episode, Qsource Quality Improvement Advisor Cathy Wray leads a discussion on tobacco and nicotine use across ages during COVID-19 as many have turned to the substances as a way to cope with anxiety, stress and isolation during lockdowns and social distancing. This increase health risk used raises questions about the impact of the pandemic on tobacco consumption, how to best address access to care, sharing resources to reduce smoking and the strategies to reduce harm associated with smoking.
Guests this episode

Patty Rose, CPHP
Senior Quality Advisor | Purdue Healthcare Advisors (PHA)

Tisha Reid
Connection Indiana Health Project Lead | Health Equity & Cancer Control | Indiana Clinical Translational Science Institute

Kayla Hsu
Community Outreach Manager | Rethink Tobacco Indiana